August in Grand Marais was busy — as usual. It’s always busy in August, and it always seems that August slips away quickly. As a photographer, towards the end of August I really started noticing that sunrise and sunset became…
One feature of streams and rivers that I like to look for are swirling eddies that trap foam. If you find a big enough one, a long exposure will create a circular design within the eddy that you can add…
Finding a Strong Photography Foreground Landscape photos often need a strong foreground to draw your view in. A foreground is the element in the picture that is closest to you when you take a picture and is at the bottom…
Brrrr….May has been chilly, which is a shock after such a warm March, but not so shocking after a chilly April. Things in the northland are warming up though and it’s gotten green out. Grand Marais is coming to life…
March was warm and April was not so warm, which was an interesting switch. On the north shore, you never know what you’re going to get in April. It’s one of those months that locals call the mud season, because…
I get asked “What landscape photography settings did you use?” often, and I don’t mind letting the cat out of the bag. But without knowing the lighting conditions, telling someone the settings for a particular picture doesn’t do that much…
489 pictures out of about 1,500. That’s the number of pictures that I kept in February. Out of those 489, I had 70 that I considered worth flagging for adjustment. Out of those 70, I really love about 5 or 6…
January was a relatively mild month on Lake Superior’s north shore. Usually, we photographers shiver and bundle up in all our clothing to stand on the shore and wait for the sunrise, but this year I don’t think I even felt…
Recently, someone asked about predicting waves on Lake Superior, “How exactly would a person know what the waves are like up there? I am in the Cities and have been dying to see big waves.” Predicting waves on Lake Superior Predicting…
December Reflections December is also a good time for looking back on some of the pictures taken this year. Here are a few that I really enjoyed making this year. Click on the thumbnail to see the full image. In…