As the fall progresses, mushrooms flower throughout the woods. Not only are mushrooms interesting to photograph, identify and discover, but because they don’t move much in the wind, they offer the perfect opportunity to learn macro photography and focus stacking. During this online macro photography class, you’ll learn how to take macro shots of mushrooms. You’ll learn about what gear to use to get great shots. You’ll learn about focus stacking and processing your macro images.
Dates: Not currently scheduled. You can see the list of current photo workshops here.
Cost: $250.
Check out my current photo workshop schedule.
During this online macro photography class, I’ll cover the following topics:
- Lens choices, extension tubes and other gear, such as natural light, reflectors, diffusers
- Field of view for background selection
- Understanding magnification
- Camera craft for depth of field and exposure
- Shooting for focus stacking
- Composition and creativity
- Image processing using Lightroom
- Focus stacking Helicon Focus or Photoshop
Recommended Gear
I’d recommend getting a Singh-Ray LB Neutral Polarizer for this workshop. Save 10% when you use the code: hansel10. Polarizers help remove the reflections off the surfaces of reflective mushrooms and flowers. That helps bring out the colors.
You’ll also want a macro lens or a 70-200 or 70-300 with extension tubes. It’s nice to have a 5-in-1 reflector or white umbrella for your field work.
You’ll need a computer and internet connection with the ability to connect to the internet. Ideally, you’ll have a webcam or hook your camera up to your computer using a webcam utility program from your camera’s manufacturer. You’ll want a microphone and speakers as well. We’re using Zoom for this class, so if you already Zoom, you’re covered.
Classroom Session One: Learn how to shoot the macro shots.
Classroom Session Two: Learn how to process your macro shots using Lightroom and Helicon Focus.
Shooting: You’ll have approximately two weeks on your own to shoot macro shots. I’ll be available during the days to answer questions that you had when you were out shooting. We’ll use Team Reach to communicate as a group. You can post photos in Team Reach, ask questions and reply to other people taking the class.
Feedback Session: You submit up to three images for feedback. During the feedback session, I’ll pick one or two to talk about and give you honest and supportive feedback that will help you improve your macro shots.
Registration and Cancellation Policies
Please, read the Registration and Cancellation Policies at the link. There are no exceptions to the policy.